Wednesday, February 29, 2012

An Evening with Mikey Weinstein at CU Boulder (3/2)

$10 General Admission. Students FREE!
Get your tickets online here!

Michael (Mikey) Weinstien, founder of the Military Religious Freedom Foundation, will be speaking at CU Boulder on March 2nd in Math 100! The event will begin with a book signing from 6:30 to 7:20. The doors will open for seating at 6:30, with the talk starting at 7:30p. After the talk, from 9:00-10:00, there will be one more opportunity to get a book signed. Copies of his newest book, No Snowflake in an Avalanche, will be sold at the event. He will be talking about the "extremely critical consequences of the destruction of the constitutionally mandated wall separating church and state and the technologically most lethal organization ever created by humankind that is the US military".
Mikey is a 1977 Honor Graduate of the United States Air Force Academy. A registered Republican, he also spent over three years in the West Wing of the Reagan Administration as legal counsel in the White House. In his final position there, Mikey was named the Committee Management Officer of the much-publicized Iran-Contra Investigation in his capacity as Assistant General Counsel of The White House Office of Administration, Executive Office of the President of the United States. Mikey has held numerous positions in corporate America as a senior executive businessman and attorney. Mikey has appeared innumerable times on all of the major cable and terrestrial TV news networks and is a frequent guest on national radio networks as well. His constitutional activism has been covered and profiled extensively in the print media including the Associated Press, The New York Times, the Washington Post, the L.A. Times, the Denver Post, The Guardian and many other national and international newspapers and periodicals including Time magazine. After stints at prominent law firms in both New York City and Washington D.C., Mikey served as the first General Counsel to Texas billionaire and two-time Presidential candidate H. Ross Perot and Perot Systems Corporation. He left Mr. Perot's employ in 2006 to focus his fulltime attention on the nonprofit charitable foundation he founded to directly battle the far-right militant radical evangelical religious fundamentalists: The Military Religious Freedom Foundation
St. Martins Press in New York released Mikey’s book, “With God On Our Side: One Man’s War Against an Evangelical Coup in America’s Military” in October 2006. The paperback version was released in February 2008 with the Foreword being written by Ambassador Joseph Wilson IV. The book is an expose on the systemic problem of religious intolerance throughout the United States armed forces. 
Reviled by the militant radical evangelical fundamentalist Christian far-right, Mikey has been given many names by his enemies including Satan, Satan's lawyer, the Antichrist, That Godless, Secular Leftist, The Antagonizer of All Christians, The Most Dangerous Man in America and, most recently and perhaps most colorfully, The Field General of the Godless Armies of Satan. One such example of hate mail he receives is:
"Christians are sweet, loving, gentle, caring, spirit-filled spreaders of the light of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and, thus are blessd with eternal life.
Mikey Whinstein the jew-lawyer and his evil MRFF demons are sour, hateful, brutal, callous, satan-filled sewers of the darkness of the Devil and, thus are condemned to eternity in the fires of hell."
- Email withheld.
Mikey was named one of the 50 most influential Jews in America by the Forward, one of the nation’s preeminent Jewish publications. He also has received a nomination for the JFK’s Profile in Courage Award and received the Buzzflash Wings of Justice Award. In addition Mikey was honored by a distinguished civil rights organization Jews for Racial and Economic Justice with the Rabbi Marshall T. Meyer Risk-Taker Award, for those who have taken extraordinary risks in the pursuit of justice.
On October 15, 2009, the MRFF was officially nominated for the 2010 Nobel Peace Prize. Shortly thereafter, another anonymous Qualified Nominator submitted a second official nomination for MRFF for the 2010 Nobel Peace Prize.  On October 13, 2010, for the second consecutive year, the Military Religious Freedom Foundation was officially nominated again for the 2011 Nobel Peace Prize.

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