The Colorado Region Secular Student Alliance (CRSSA) is a coalition of secular students in Colorado. The group is intended to act as a forum for the exchange of ideas, talents, materials, and information between represented organizations. The purpose of the group is to build a sense of community within the secular movement in Colorado , help foster new student groups, and aid in the sustainability and overall quality of each of the member groups.
How can I affiliate my group?
The leadership of each Colorado-based SSA Affiliate can join our facebook or email the Colorado Regional Network Coordinator at pete.zupan@secularstudents.org
How can I form my own SSA chapter at my school?
First, look at our Affiliate Group's page to make sure that there isn't already a school at your campus. Our goal is to have a Secular Student Alliance in every high school and college in the Colorado Region. If there isn't an SSA at your school, we can provide you with all the materials and information necessary to get you started. Request one of our Starter Packets here.